Thursday, December 11, 2014

Building weeks Day 5

We are writing day 5 of our building weeks, and today was a very special day for the lightvan project.
The expert for the stickers arrived and after a couple of hours the pale white van transformed into a mobile light lab. Amazing what a good design can do !

From now on the truck is really something special, and will draw much more attention ad will show whats going on inside the car. Our Dr. Bucky lab always said: Everything is better with a sticker …so true !

The rest of the teams are doing also well and Thijs Asselbergs and Anne Snijders who joined for a short chat about the Beachhouse project were amazed about the progress the groups did.

We have also noticed the first folding test of one of the cardboard projects, up to now very impressive.

Worst thing that happens during the day : We ran out of coffee ….uagh