
Thursday, May 23, 2013


Today was a very productive day, after the short break yesterday all students were eager to continue their projects and we have to say, a lot of things happened on the floor ...

Leonard and Lotte had a visit of our fabric expert Usch Engelmann to set up a loom to weave a special fabric for their sunshade concept. More infos about Uschs work here.

Coen was building the new Heco Schrauben Box and we have to admit, beeing capable of handle all the screws the box itself will be very heavy by itself...

Hanife and Tyrza did their magic on the sewing machine and the project takes more and more shape.

Reinier and Dennis got mail from Dow Corning - two big boxes of silicone tubes which will transform into a solar heat collector that also shades. Thanks for the support to Dow Corning !

Yasemin and Ezgi did their magic with the Domino and their huge frame is growing very fastly and Muhammed and Ebru are busy with their tentsegrity shading system ....we are so curious about the
final product ...

And at the end of the day we were able to see what you can actually cut with a laser cutter ...textiles, wood, plexiglass ...lets try chocolate tomorrow ...and yes Prof. Asselbergs looks cooler with safety glasses ...