Day 8 and this time no pictures of projects or tools...becuase we had our BBQ today and this time the weather was our friend !
Around 4 pm we stopped working, while the students had no mood to stop at all, actually today was one of the most busiest day of the whole time in the tent and everyone was very busy...but the BBQ is a must !
Of course its the time to celebrate the projects progress and the students work till now, but also our way of thank our sponsors and supporters who made these possible.
Martin Straver from Romazo saw the prototypes for the first time and was impressed, its like a look behing the curtains to see the projects 4 weeks before the official finals, Peter Stouthamer from Raaco was impressed of our good use of the Raaco Boxes and really liked our new Heco Box. Aard Wassink and Mark Bomer from Hettich had a look on our new box and already confirmed that they will take care of the drawers ...and Wouter Beck from Hunter Douglas was curious about all the different textile techniques that the students used in their projects and will mark the finals in his agenda.Frans van Dijk from Festool stopped shortly to welcome Dr. Bucky Lab and a second later he was already in the tent and showing the students who still worked there some tricks on how to finish their prototypes ...he is a passionately trainer from his heart !
To sum it up it was a very good event and thanks to Alex from Sodexo who arranged a big barrel of crushed ice the beer was ice cold. Dr. Bucky Lab did his magic on the BBQ and served german "Currywurst" the first ones a little bit too crispy but to prepare this on a 1300°C hells fire is a form of art in itself...and yes its true Marcel was really in his element and BBQ what more can you ask for !
Even the dean Karin Laglas came along for a drink and told us her appreciation. Its so great that we are able to do the course like we do it and we are quite grateful thas this can happen the way it is.
Thanks to all our supporters !
Tomorrow we are able to keep on working till lunch, and then we will clean up and roll the workshop down in the cave to give the tools a well earned rest also ...
more pictures of what we have done before the party will be published tomorrow ...