a little bit jealous that this is not a bucky lab project, but Dr. Bucky Lab was at least involved as second mentor ...Casper congrats for your great work !
Every now and then we are supporting also projects within the faculty of Industrial design of the TU Delft. In this case it was hard to refuse when Casper van der Meer asked for support for his project he did in cooperation with fiction factory a design based workshop in Amsterdam, who got the possibility to further develop an mould that is able to produce a house wrapped out of corrugated cardboard. They called it the Wikkelhuis or Wrapped House and nowadays the W-House.
The design was already given via the rotating mould, that is set on a truck trailer which was developed from Rene Snel already years ago. Fiction Factory took over the machine and had already a first contract for a house in Schiphol. When Casper joined the team it was set up to develop this process towards a manageable product, that would serve for different purposes.
It was quite a task for him working in the project team which was run also by the head of Fiction Factory Oep Schilling and for the faculty to fullfill his demands according to the requirements of the TU as a graduate project.
At the end we have to say, he has passed all of our different goals and requirements. And it was no problem also to have his defense of the graduation project, the very first time in the history of Industrial Design off the campus. Of course which place would suit more to show his accomplishments within the team and his work for his graduation work other than mext to the impressive machine and the first elements that were produced with his details.
Dr. Elvin Karana from Industrial Design and Dr. Marcel Bilow from the faculty of architecture were pleased with his results, which ended in a very good grade and a perfect start of the sunny weekend.
Here some pictures of the presentation, which were held directly next to the machine in the workshop. We will write about the project later, which is a fantastic project and also a very good product…