Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Most of the students had to follow their Building Technology course, so only a few students take advantage of a very calm and peaceful workshop. After a very busy start the silence was a warm welcome for this cold day.

Its quite amazing that the prototypes come together so fast, today for the few projects being build you can already see a logic and shape in it. And of course, a few special names could already been given, guess who will be the lord of the rings …and not to forgotten the two snow angels …

The 3D printer on site is a real treat, thats really rapid prototyping, drawing a piece, print it, test it, and if it does not fit, reshape and print it again, all done within minutes or a few hours according to the size of the part. But we also have to mention that most of the students go the craftsmanship way of doing it, so a lot of gears are cut manually out of wood and most parts are done by hand. Small complex parts which can't be manufactured by hand are printed, thats quite a good mix of application.

Have a look whats done today