Saturday, June 6, 2015

InDeSem Day 8 - Gekko

After a very long night…the students did not sleep at all… we are finally at the end of the seminars. First the 3 different departments had to made a preselection of their most potential projects…quite a task and we decided to ask also the students about their opinion and it became clear later the day that they were right …

After lunch two of every departments groups had to present and defend their concepts in front of a very critical jury. Honestly after the 6 groups had their appearance on the big screen it was unclear which project would be the winner. Will the jury pick a beautiful executed aproach from Interior / formstudies
or a robotically made structure dealing with hybridity or the technical approach of the bucky lab to use new technologies to improve our future in small steps.

To raise the tension of the competition a set of lectures including the grand father of the InDeSem Herman Herzberger ,Thijs Asselbergs, Kas Osterhuis and Michiel Ridijk was held and concluded with a discussion about the role of the architect and the matter of craft in our business.

Ater the discussion the whole group moved to our Bouwpub, TU Delfts bar to receive the final verdict of the jury and celebrate the end of the workshop.

Dick van Gameren the head of the jury made it exciting and the hell broke loose after he announced the winner of the event. Bucky Labs Gekko project. The students focused on an idea using 3D scanning technologies to form a counterfom that was 3D printed to graps onto existing structures to create a connection to attach everything wanted without damaging the existing structure. It was the simplicity of the concept and the smart use of the emerging technologies that made them the winner of this event.

The students were amazed and surprised being able to receive the honours award with a solution that seemed to be so small and simple.

We would like to congratulate the gekko team but also all the others of the bucky lab team who followed our advise to explore, invent and have fun. They all did and we are proud to got this price.

The Gekko team





A perfect end of a wonderful week …tired but inspired !