Following an invitation from the Lund University in Sweden our Dr. Bucky Lab supports a semester project organized by Lars-Henrik Stahl, David Andreen and Susanne Gosztonyi for a week.
Inspired by the hands on approach of the Bucky Lab the team incorporated a workshop week into the semester project called Spacial Experiments II. The students working on a design for the morocco desert climate and have been already in Morocco to study these extreme environment. Back home in Sweden they designed a concept that incorporates local material, the climate and tradition by using new digital design tools. One aspect or feature of their design will be build as a full scale mock up and tested if possible.
While the students have been busy on their projects already for some time, Marcel was only connected to them via a remote online folder and some Skype sessions with Susanne in advance.
Today the group came together and talked about the realization of their concept and after some discussions about details, materials and tools we already started to work on the models.
The topics are quite broad and mixed with a focus on a digital vernacular approach, combining new shapes with old materials for instance. So we will see a couple of clay based concepts, some fabric projects but also some others.
We will keep you updated here, for right now we can share a few pictures from the wonderful workshop and studio we are able to use in Lund. Having a permanent workshop with some bigger machines is also a first for our Dr. Bucky Lab.
Did we mentioned that the food is much better here in the canteen ? No ? we will do so later ....
More infos about the course here
this blog is dedicated to the Bucky Lab from the TU Delft faculty of Architecture. Within the mastercourse we design, develop and at the end build architecture and building construction related prototypes. Its a "get your hands dirty" approach in which the students learn how to translate concepts from sketch into working prototypes. We try to live the spirit of buckminster fuller: what ever you can imagine, you can also build!