yes, there is coffee again ...our Dr. Bucky Lab took his bike late night yesterday to get a bag of desired brown powder, and to make things perfect also breur showed up and delivered a big box of coffee...
As partner of the Bucky Lab breur not only supports us with a quick service and good prices, but also every now and then with some coffee cups we got a small if you like to enjoy a good cup of coffee, come along we have plenty least the cups will last for quite a while ...
The weather was as good as we can wish for and everyone who has not to use the machines in the tent is working in the tent ...Marcel our Dr. Bucky Lab himself showed in perfection why you should always make a drawing or at least a good planning in advance...he build a toolholder for the belt sander, painted the parts green, without getting his hands dirty (proud) find out that he screwed up totally and the parts did not fit at all ....
Casper our expert from the Better Future Factory and guest docent in the Bucky Lab showed some tricks working with metal and our plastic recycling group made wonderful looking samples ...
What have we also learned ? The smaller the parts the bigger the machines !
Thanks for the fast help !
this blog is dedicated to the Bucky Lab from the TU Delft faculty of Architecture. Within the mastercourse we design, develop and at the end build architecture and building construction related prototypes. Its a "get your hands dirty" approach in which the students learn how to translate concepts from sketch into working prototypes. We try to live the spirit of buckminster fuller: what ever you can imagine, you can also build!