After a relaxing weekend we are back in business and everyone was directly starting with their projects. Now after 6 days you already see a lot of parts being made and assembled.
Now with more and more smaller parts a couple of the students moved to the model hall to have a calm place to work on their prototypes. Amazing seeing all the elements come together.
Dick Vlasbom from Kiwi Electronics joined for a coffee and talked about the progress, he is our expert for everything electronic and additive manufacturing related. Have a look here to see what Dick has to offer in his shop.
this blog is dedicated to the Bucky Lab from the TU Delft faculty of Architecture. Within the mastercourse we design, develop and at the end build architecture and building construction related prototypes. Its a "get your hands dirty" approach in which the students learn how to translate concepts from sketch into working prototypes. We try to live the spirit of buckminster fuller: what ever you can imagine, you can also build!