Its such nice environment here and we already feel a bit off place working with plywood while everything here is made out of the finest selections of hardwoods crafted with passion.
After a proper intro to the tools and the shop in general we started to cut the sheets to build our projects.
We noticed that the shop usually doesn't work with such big elements and therefore they only have one big tablessaw which is a bid uncomfortable for the students to cut the bigger sheets. In order to let them do most of the work we called festool beijing and after we explained our problem we got a TS 55 with guiding rail after lunch. Its so great to have festool as a partner - wherever we are on the world we get support and tools. Thank you so much !
We stopped at the evening and had a great dinner together with all the students. A long weekend ahead for us with some free time to spent and some lectures to get inspired.
Here a few impressions of the first day ....
Did we mentioned they labeled all the tools for our groups ? so kind, we feel honored to be here ...and did we mentioned that this is also the home for the finest rubberband guns ...No ? But now you know !