our shop looks a bit like Santas workshop with the elves - beeing busy making toys nonstop ...talking about toys ...today our little Dr. Bucky Lab paid a visit...
amazed by the projects he also inspected the tools and made a list what to replace...
but seriously we have seen a couple of projects already in their final stage. There is stil a couple of weeks till we have to present the prototypes but up to now we are very happy about the results, its always amazing to see how the projects come to life in a sudden.
As already mentioned today in the shop, its not a problem if the projects can't be finished till tomorrow, make sure you have the bigger parts produced, we will find a solution to finish every project...
Here some impressions of the day ... tomorrow our little party ...so we may have a delay with updating pictures ...
this blog is dedicated to the Bucky Lab from the TU Delft faculty of Architecture. Within the mastercourse we design, develop and at the end build architecture and building construction related prototypes. Its a "get your hands dirty" approach in which the students learn how to translate concepts from sketch into working prototypes. We try to live the spirit of buckminster fuller: what ever you can imagine, you can also build!