Monday, June 25, 2018

Shades 2 Lease - Finals

Time flies we already had our Finals. With a couple of exams ahead and some courses to finish we are heading towards the end of the semester. As usual ( luckily) we got the orange hall for our final presentations right next to our exhibition and with a group of 13 we only needed a one and a half hours for the presentations.

And the projects ? A great variety of projects that can be seen as sunshades to lease. While some students developed concepts that stand alone, some are modular in order to suit the different needs of the possible users and one project is actually so small and cheap everyone should have one ...

Within the next weeks we will publish the concepts in detail, for right now have a look what happend today ... and yes today we skipped the beer after the finals - on monday at lunch time we thought coffee and a slice of apple pie was the better choice the way did you know that a big cake box from Hema fits exactly on the lid of the Bucky Bike ?

This was a small but also great semester ! Thanks for the fun we had !

Don't miss our exhibition which will be visible own the orange hall for the next two weeks