Thursday, July 26, 2018

Beijing Summerschool Day 2

Blue sky and already the elevator pitch ...after a good start in the morning the students already presented their concepts and we were all impressed by the different and innovative ideas we have seen. After a short discussion and a voting round the students were able to define the best 4 projects and we had to say it was a good choice and we didn't had to interveen or make use of our veto rights.

After forming the groups we started the engineering phases and started to talk about the design vision the the criteria of their design in order to make this phase more efficient. We closed the evening with a good feeling and looking forward to the next day on which we will have to make the construction drawings - saturday we wil already start to build our concepts ...

Maybe we are able to share the concepts tomorrow, today was just way to busy it was for Heran and Okan and as usual Mara