A week before the Finals : time to take some pictures and wow - how nice they look !
For us its always a surprise when we set up our mobile photo studio and group after group arrives and place their prototypes and models on the table - of course we know what they are doing, but this day is always the best.
Clean and shiny, well assembled and ready to be shown to the world we had to take pictures of 10 groups in total. With all students joining the day in front of the camera its also the moment you realise that this was actually the last calm moment with them together till we all join the Finals next week ...
Have a look - and don't miss the Finals next week in the orange hall : Monday the 27th start 12.30 till 14.15 ...
this blog is dedicated to the Bucky Lab from the TU Delft faculty of Architecture. Within the mastercourse we design, develop and at the end build architecture and building construction related prototypes. Its a "get your hands dirty" approach in which the students learn how to translate concepts from sketch into working prototypes. We try to live the spirit of buckminster fuller: what ever you can imagine, you can also build!