...as students already mentioned earlier Bucky Lab 3.0 contactloos bouwen ... we are all facing the same problems worldwide the $%# virus or to be more specific the order to stay at home to flatten the curve ...
Usually we have a lot of tools in our arsenal to flatten any surface but to flatten the curve asks for more than festool has to offer ... ok enough of the grumbling. We have to face it and the faculty already made the decision quite early: Quarter 4 will be taught online. Now we have to pull all tricks to make this very special course special... and we have to say after our first online lecture and our virtual campfire to get to know each other a little bit better went very well.
We have seen a highly motivated group of students joining from home and looking forward to an exciting period. One is sure already - we all will make it special.
Here a first group picture, more to come, also about our new partner Ecor and how everyones workshop looks like ...
Stay home, stay safe and only imagination will limit us.