Thursday, December 22, 2022

Seasonal greetings 2022

 You may have already noticed our blogger seems to be tired if you look back at the last posts, also the photographer stopped ...

Looking back - the building weeks were great, super busy in the first days, then slowly with the students getting more comfortable of working with the tools more calm and finally for us helping the students almost boring with almost no problems to solve and the students on full autopilot ...

I always ask myself why do I do this ... so much work so much trouble, looking in the students face next to their final prototype, filled with pride and enthusiasm - that's it ! That's the reason, and for sure what they learned will be remembered for a long time ...

I have to thank everyone who helped ! 

There is Frans from festool, Albert from Shaper, Nadia, George, Jaap for a last helping hand and of course the students for making this also a special time for all of us ! 

A well earned break is ahead of us, have a great holiday and a great 2023 - we will come back and tell you how to shade the cities in the future ...

till then we share a rare footage taken from our Dr. Bucky Lab while secretly practicing his ballet dancing on the pallet truck ...