Monday, June 3, 2024

Fauna ARK for COA

 This summer in the Bucky Lab architectural design studio we welcomed 26 enthusiastic students. The topic of this year in collaboration with COA is the design and development of a fauna ark.

What is a fauna ark ? Yes I also had to read the description first … so a fauna ark is a tower, a structure or a little building that houses endangered species of wildlife. These arcs are placed alongside new construction sides and will create a new habitat while the former area is prepared for new buildings or as in our case new asylum seeker centers. So a pretty forward idea - by starting a new construction site we push  the animals away and we provide an alternative home for those creatures.

COA asked us to take special care of endangered species as swifts, sparrows and various bats.

After a  short intro of the course and assignment we had our campfire in which we get to know each other a bit better.