Monday, December 12, 2016

Building Weeks Day 1 - Intro ...Brrrr

Here we go, while the faculty is getting into christmas mood we moved the workshop and started our building weeks...

As usual day 1 is in the name of the Introduction of tools, safety and how to make good coffee. Frans from festool and Anja and Jaap from joined to help with the Introduction and within the 3 groups we explained how to use the saws, routers and showed a little bit of everything around the shop. While the temperature was kinda cold ...Brrrr - its is really cold so we have to do the onion trick ...layers and more layers to keep insulated.

But the cold did not harm the students at all seeing still a smile on their faces when we introduced the bucky labs safety shoe testing equipment or explaining what spit coffee is ...

So first day is done, tomorrow our wood arrives and we are looking forward to get our hands dirty.
Thanks to Anja, Jaap and Frans of their help, it was a great day !

Here some pictures of day one, keep watching we will post everyday